Winchester A V Hamble A
SCL Div 2 Wed 4th Dec 2024 00:00 Winner: Away Verify
Board | Rating | Winchester A | V | Hamble A | Rating |
1 | 1892 (1885) | Downie, Anthony George B |
0 - 1 | G Wilson, Jaimie |
2136 (2138) |
2 | 1814 (1817) | Piecha, Lukasz Marek G |
0 - 1 | G Northcott, Paul |
1975 (1986) |
3 | 1631 (1620) | White, Michael J G |
0 - 1 | B Newbury, Martin L |
1873 (1877) |
4 | 1618 (1617) | Lawrence, Simon G |
½ - ½ | B Buckley, Martin GS |
1939 (1927) |
5 | 1540 (1531) | Virtanen, Oskari B |
0 - 1 | G Bennett, Milan |
1571 (1608) |
Average | 1699 | ½ - 4½ | 1899 |
Last update David Jerome Thu 12th Dec 2024 15:23. Reported by George Downie Wed 4th Dec 2024 23:03. Verified By David Jerome Thu 12th Dec 2024 15:23
Comment for organiser
Well played Hamble. Convincing win! Thank you for making the journey over.Board 5
a special thank you to our hosts and worthy of mention is the board 5 game which showed imagination, calculation and nerve in an open game in which Milan sacrificed central pawns to gain a passed pawn, whilst his King survived a series of checks and secured safety on the opposite side of the board from which he was then able to promote the pawn on the 7th rank to achieve the win.
(Martin Buckley view/comment)