Southampton C V Fareham C

SCL Div 5 Tue 15th Oct 2024 00:00   Verify
Board Home Southampton C V Fareham C Away
1664 (1666)
Ediss, Darren
0 - 1
McBurnie, Jack
1643 (1652)
1590 (1598)
Furnell, David
1 - 0
Waugh, Scott
1589 (1593)
1364 (1364)
Mitra, Somnath
0 - 1
Budden, Christopher
1487 (1487)
1352 (1350)
Rawlins, Dean
1 - 0
Sandfield, James
1453 (1501)
Average 1493 2 - 2 1543

Last update Somnath Mitra Tue 15th Oct 2024 23:45. Reported by Somnath Mitra Tue 15th Oct 2024 23:45. Verified By

Comment for organiser

An overspill game not contributing to Match result was played between the following players with a win for Fareham. 5. Black - John Taylor(Southampton) 0 - 1 White - Andy Haynes (Fareham)

Somnath Mitra

Overspill Game

This has been added:

Round 4 | ECF League Management System (

Graham Stuart

Here is the full match…

Here is the full match report :

  1. Board 1 : Darren(B) 0 -1 Jack(W) - 

    It was a competitive battle between them with Jack getting the better of Darren in the end game with better movement of his pieces. Darren resigned after recognizing a forced checkmate.

  2. Board 2 : David(W) 1 -0 Scott(B) - 

    David tried a new opening he hasn't tried before  against Scott and reached a solid opening position. He had an extra Bishop for three pawns. Also he managed to have a passed pawn and took another of Scott's pawn and threatened to take another one and Scott who was behind on time eventually resigned.

  3. Board 3: Som(B) 0 - 1 Chris(W) - 

    I played the Dutch opening and the match turned into a very sharp line after I decided to take the g2 pawn with my fianchettoed Bishop opening the g file, which required accurate moves that I was not able to produce. Chris to his credit played fairly accurately doubling rooks on the g file, castling his king queen side at the right time and following the chess principles. He eventually missed a mate at 1 but had was too much firepower which had penetrated my 6th and 7th rank and checkmate was inevitable in the following move so I resigned.

  4. Board 4: Dean(W) 1-0 James(B) - 

    James played the king's Indian defence. Dean managed to close off his bishop next to the king in the middle game. He had two of his bishops looking towards James's king and had an open F file for his rook. At the end he had a checkmate threat with his queen, bishop and rook pointing at his king which James could not defend. 

    Overspill Game:

  5. Board 5: John(B) 0-1 Andy(W) -

    Andy played the centre and John responded with the Caro Kann, that led to an even trade of Knights. Andy sacrificed his light coloured Bishop on f7, forcing John to expose his King and he followed up with a full fledged attack with his Knight and Queen. Forced on the defensive during the middlegame and after even exchanges during the endgame, Andy finally mated John as his King safety was compromised.



    Captain - Team C - Southampton

Somnath Mitra