Fareham A V Basingstoke A

SCL Div 1 Tue 7th Nov 2023 00:00 Winner: Home   Verify
Board Rating Fareham A V Basingstoke A Rating
2347 Bezuidenhout, Roland
1 - 0
Jones, Steven A
1949 Ursell, Adam R
½ - ½
Stipcevic, Ivan
1881 Deacon, David J
½ - ½
Chilton, James I
1819 Ursell, Richard W
1 - 0
Negargar, Mo
1727 Black, Ted
½ - ½
Shaddick, John
Average 1945 3½ - 1½ 1953

Last update Richard Ursell Tue 7th Nov 2023 23:35. Reported by Richard Ursell Tue 7th Nov 2023 23:35. Verified By James Chilton Wed 8th Nov 2023 19:26

Press / Admin Comment

Fareham welcomed a strong Basingstoke team on a glorious autumn evening, with both teams a couple of key players short, it proved to be evenly matched on all boards. Adam reports that he was battered on b2 but just managed to hold on. My game on b4 was very even ,Mo pushed to win but paid the price and gave me the point. B5 was next to finish as Ted and John slogged it out for a draw .So we were up 2-1 b3 agreed a draw next after a complicated game, so the attention switched to b1. The leagues top two rated players played a game beyond my understanding, Roland won after a technical rook and pawn ending. So 3.5-1.5 . Thank you Basingstoke for a match played in great spirit best RU

Richard Ursell

Thank you to Fareham for your

Thank you to Fareham for your hospitality and to Richard for your kind remarks and indeed also for submitting the result. It was a close-fought match, with some tough and interesting games. Congratulations on your deserved win, and we look forward to the return fixture in January.

James Chilton