Southampton University A V Salisbury A

SCL Div 1 Mon 10th Oct 2022 00:00 Winner: Away   Verify
Board Rating Southampton University A V Salisbury A Rating
1398 Danopoulos, Spyridon
0 - 1
Redmill, Simon M
1759 Smith Carretero, Adam
0 - 1
McClatchey, Rob
1717 Ferreira, Erico
0 - 1
Manning, Andy I
1665 Archer-Lock, Helen
½ - ½
Wright, Richard J
1410 Burton, Daniel
0 - 1
Jones, Amanda
Average 1590 ½ - 4½ 1770

Last update Graham Stuart Fri 15th Dec 2023 16:43. Reported by Graham Stuart Fri 15th Dec 2023 16:43. Verified By

Match Notes

Many thanks to Southampton Uni A for a warm welcome and a match which was much closer than the score would suggest. Set to a musical background (with students next door murdering 'Uptown Girl' despite practicing for 2 hours) there were some good close games, which ultimately went Salisbury's way. Tenacious defence from Helen AL sealed a draw against Richard Wright and the swindle of the century took place on B3, when after being outplayed by Enrico, downtown man, Andy Manning won a totally undeserved victory at the end, proving that you should never give up. Many thanks to all for a friendly event, played in the best spirit, if not the best music. There appears some difference in the grades given by Spyridon on the day; B1 SD 1850; B3 EOF 1800; B4 HAL 1750. Andy m Thanks a lot Andy for your fair evaluation of the games. All games were close and really interesting and they will serve as a valuable lesson for us. Looking forward to our next game together at Salisbury. I have updated the B3 name in University A team to the correct spelling, Erico Oliveira Ferreira. Spyridon Danopoulos

Graham Stuart