Cheddleton 'D' V Alsager 'A'

Division 3 Fri 9th Nov 2018 00:00 Winner: Unknown   Verify
Board Rating Cheddleton 'D' V Alsager 'A' Rating
141B (1703K) Birks, Philip N
½ - ½
Barker, Andrew
111B (1560K)
139A (1628A) Blackburn, Jon EW
1 - 0
Turner, Sam
108D ()
118A (1536A) Blackburn, Sandra G
1 - 0
Marshall, James
105* (1539K)
105* (1465K) Hallen, David A
½ - ½
Hankey, Neil
105* (1165A)
Penalty 1½ : 1½
Total 503 1½ - -½ 429

Last update Steve Emmerton Fri 30th Nov 2018 14:04. Reported by Andy Barker . Verified By David Hallen

Press / Admin Comment

Both sides fielded ineligible players and are, therefore subject to the penalties under Article 8 of the League Playing Rules.n The ineligibility of the players concerned is because they have played more than the 3 League/Cup games allowed without being ECF Members. For Cheddleton, Phil Birks was ineligible. His game is scored to his opponent for the purposes of the match result and Cheddleton are penalised a further point from their score. This reduces their match score to 1.5. For Alsager, Both Sam Turner and James Marshall were ineligible for the same reason. As they both lost, their results cannot be reversed. The game on board 1 is scored to Alsager. However, Alsager are penalised with a 2 point deduction from their match score, reducing it to -1/2. Final Match Score : Cheddleton 'D' 1.5 Alsager 'A' -1/5 A VERY UNSATISFACTORY SITUATION AS EVERYBODY IS AWARE OF THE ECF MEMBERSHIP RULE.

Steve Emmerton