Gambit 6 V Nomads 3

Division 4 Tue 5th Dec 2023 00:00 Winner: Away   Verify
Board Rating Gambit 6 V Nomads 3 Rating
1500 (1534) While, Andy
1 - 0
Smithson, Sean
1611 (1633)
1710 (1652) Roper, Keith W
1 - 0
Anderson, Pete
1616 (1507)
1475 (1505) Dunne, David C
0 - 1
Flower, Simon
1460 (1504)
1400 (1478) Baylis, Charles
0 - 1
Roe, Francis
1510 (1581)
Penalty ½ : 0
Adjustment -1 : 1½
Total 6085 ½ - 3½ 6197

Last update Simon Scott Wed 13th Dec 2023 22:09. Reported by Andy While Tue 5th Dec 2023 22:17. Verified By Pete Anderson Wed 6th Dec 2023 13:41

Gambit board 2

Gambit board 2 was a late substitute to replace a player after the start of the match. Rule C6 states "A player may not be rated more than 150 points above anyone on a higher board, except where a lower rated eligible substitute is used after the agreed start of the match." In this case the player was higher rated than board 1 by more than 150 points, so is ineligible. Rule D3(a) penalty "is the transfer of any game points scored by the offending player plus 0.5 game points from the offending team to their opponents".

Simon Scott