Worthing Juniors V Collyers VI FC

Autumn Online League - Junior Division Wed 17th Nov 2021 18:30 Winner: Away   Verify
Board Rating Worthing Juniors V Collyers VI FC Rating
0 Emrich, Teddy
0 - 1
Toth, Ben
0 Collins, Matthew
0 - 1
Wright, Daniel
0 Holland, Elliott
1 - 0
McPhie, Callum
0 McCarney, Rudi
0 - 1
Martin, Oliver
1 - 3

Last update Alex Taylor Wed 8th Dec 2021 18:45. Reported by Alex Taylor Wed 8th Dec 2021 18:45. Verified By David Graham Wed 8th Dec 2021 20:57

Collyers Team

Board 1: Ben Toth (Ben13215) Board 2: Dan Wright (Dan_Ze_Man) Board 3: Callum McPhie (Scallpal) Board 4: Oliver Martin (Oliver_Martin)

Alex Taylor

Board 4 Issue

There seems to have been an issue with board 4. Collyers' board 4 was playing in their first match, so unfortunately accepted a game request from a random player, thinking it was their opponent (the random player did challenge them with exactly the correct time so that was spooky!). Lines of communication seem to have been an issue and we did not manage to get the game played. Collyers will be contacting Worthing to try to rearrange the board 4 game and if not will of course forfeit it. We are very sorry for the mix-up!

Alex Taylor

Discussed with Worthing and

Discussed with Worthing and agreed to call board 4 a double default as the prospect of rearranging the match is unappealing to both sides.

Alex Taylor

Board 4 Issue

After consultation with the league secretary it was agreed that we would rearrange the board 4 game, instead of calling it a double default. The game was played on Wednesday the 8th at the usual time.

Alex Taylor