Bournemouth E V Southbourne E

B&DCL Div 5 Tue 8th Oct 2024 00:00   Verify
Board Home Bournemouth E V Southbourne E Away
Spence, Chris
½ - ½
Lane, Chris D
Christopher, Tegan
1 - 0
Jurgelaitis, Matas
Ghose, Azhar
1 - 0
MacAlaster, Ken
Erhardt, Peter
½ - ½
Spiers, Harrison
Total 5494 3 - 1 5329

Last update John Belinger Wed 16th Oct 2024 19:53. Reported by John Belinger Wed 16th Oct 2024 19:53. Verified By

Good season opener for Bournemouth vs Southbourne

Many thanks to Bournemouth for their hospitality and some interesting matches on a wild and wet evening.  All games were long and a couple could have been wins or draws. Unfortunately Ken (I'm just Ken!) lost a piece early in his match and despite battling on, never really recovered. It was interesting to see that at one period in the match both white and blacks pieces were still in their own halves. 

On boards 1 and 4 the matches looked like they might go in Southbourne favour. Harrison's game was a fascinating endgame with black potentially having the slight advantage but perhaps a draw was inevitable. Well played both. At the other end, Chris had looked slightly better but again a draw was agreed.

Nikki Forster

Bournemouth E vs Southbourne E

A great evening of chess and many thanks to the Southbourne team for being good sports. 

Both Ken and I (were both exhausted after our match) ! Ken is being modest, I didn't feel that he was "battling on" but rather that he was relentless in his attack and probably had a superior tactical position. I just defended well and had to take out his key pieces that were poised to attack before the inevitable onslaught on my king :-) !!!!

Peter came in with a draw . Tegan played well and took no prisoners ! Chris agreed a draw to complete the final match.

Last season this team did not see a win until the end of the season , so it came as a pleasant and somewhat unfamiliar experience ! 

Azhar Ghose