Southbourne D V Bournemouth C
Board | Rating | Southbourne D | V | Bournemouth C | Rating |
1 | 1504 | Harris, John E B |
0 - 1 | G Willington, Robert M |
1697 |
2 | 1473 | Lane, Chris D B |
0 - 1 | G Jackson, Paul A |
1680 |
3 | 1397 | Spalding, Mark W B |
½ - ½ | B Errington, Simon |
1674 |
4 | 1364 | Hooks, Samuel G |
½ - ½ | G Mortimer, Byron E Ed |
1540 |
Total | 5738 | 1 - 3 | 6591 |
Last update Martin J Simons Sat 19th Oct 2024 07:23. Reported by Martin J Simons Sat 19th Oct 2024 07:23. Verified By
Match report
With 3 of our team not available and being out rated on all boards, it seemed a difficult match to play. However, boards 3 and 4 came up trumps and both agreed draws. On board 1 I thought I was faring quite well in rebuffing white’s attacks. However, my lone pawn on the Queens side was a target and it ended up that my pieces were not in the right place to stop me being mated. Board 2 was fighting well but was being attacked strongly on the Queen side for some time. Unfortunately, his Queen stopped other defender pieces doing their job and Chris ended up losing his Queen in the struggle. Chris battled on despite this, but eventually lost.