Bournemouth C V Wimborne C

B&DCL Div 3 Tue 26th Nov 2024 00:00 Winner: Away   Verify
Board Rating Bournemouth C V Wimborne C Rating
1697 Willington, Robert M
0 - 1
Mallon, Stuart
1680 Jackson, Paul A
1 - 0
Young, Simon
1674 Errington, Simon
0 - 1
Bowley, John R
1611 Errington, Paul T
0 - 1
Bourne, Will
Total 6662 1 - 3 6694

Last update Simon Young Tue 26th Nov 2024 23:54. Reported by Simon Young Tue 26th Nov 2024 23:54. Verified By

First write up of the season…

First write up of the season, which I’ll aim to continue doing, keep forgetting. Two fairly evenly matched teams, slightly in our favour, rating wise. 

Board 4 was first to finish, Will achieving a win, although I didn’t get to see any of the game. I did see the end position of John’s game on board 3, which was a very nice discovered mate. 

My game was very tight, Paul and I slogged it out and got down to knight and pawns (3 to 2 in his favour), I offered a draw, which was declined. Move 41 I missed the correct knight square which would have almost definitely resulted in a draw. However, that “one pawn” escaped and proved to be my undoing, becoming the focal point of Paul’s victory. Well played Paul, excellent end game.

Stuart and Rob’s game was a prolonged encounter, which at various points I couldn’t call. Swinging between the two, Stuart having a numerical advantage in pawns but Rob playing some great counter moves, particular the rook threatening check mate which I would have probably fallen for. Time was low for both but after at least 3 hours, it got down to a rook and pawn v rook end. Stuart manoeuvred the pawn up the board, with Rob playing on for the draw. Great game to watch as a spectator, not sure about playing it, looked way to stressful.

Very pleasing to get our first win of the season, well done to the rest of the team. Thanks as always to Bournemouth for hosting.

Simon Young