Newcastle University V Durham City B

Season 2 Division 2 Tue 19th Jan 2021 19:30 Winner: Away   Verify
Board Rating Newcastle University V Durham City B Rating
1859 (1806) Revell, Jeremy
1 - 0
Nandi, Robin J
1955 (1913)
1687 (1743) Zaman, Hanif
½ - ½
Smith, Douglas J
1991 (1969)
1055 () Alsharif, Mohammed
0 - 1
Simha, Vimal
1960 ()
2152 (1438) Stasiak, Piotr
0 - 1
Gazis, George
1900 (2024)
Total 6753 1½ - 2½ 7806

Last update Hanif Zaman Tue 19th Jan 2021 21:01. Reported by Hanif Zaman Tue 19th Jan 2021 21:01. Verified By

Regarding board order

Our board 4's rating seems very high, and extremely inaccurate. his accurate real rating is about the same or less as our board 3. If you also see his Lichess you can probably tell that this 2100 is inaccurate. The rules are that players should be in rating order, so if this is a problem, I guess we will swap it but this wouldn't be fair on him. We're not sure ourselves how he achieved this rating based on his opponents and games last season

Hanif Zaman