Eccles 1 V Swinton & Worsley 1
A Division Sat 31st May 2025 00:00 Winner: Unknown Verify
Board | Rating | Eccles 1 | V | Swinton & Worsley 1 | Rating |
0 | 000 (000) | N |
N |
000 (000) | |
1 | 000 (000) | N |
N |
000 (000) | |
2 | 000 (000) | N |
N |
000 (000) | |
3 | 000 (000) | N |
N |
000 (000) | |
4 | 000 (000) | N |
N |
000 (000) | |
5 | 000 (000) | N |
N |
000 (000) | |
0 - 0 |
Last update Elliott Barnett Fri 29th Nov 2024 07:30. Reported by . Verified By
Eccles already playing in an A Division Match
Eccles have not agreed to move this fixture and request that it be reverted back to the original fixture date 21/11/24 until a suitable date can be arranged.
Many thanks,
Barbara and A Division Captain David Toole.
Match postponed without a valid reason
The original fixture date was 21/11/24. It was postponed at the request of Adam Scoular who had set the date aside for a Junior Xmas party. The Christmas party was not publicized and nor did it take place. The match was postponed without a valid reason and because of this the Eccles Captain David Toole would like to claim the match by default.