Blue Club 4 V Chorlton 5
Board | Rating | Blue Club 4 | V | Chorlton 5 | Rating |
1 | 1432 (1326) | Burgess, Dan G |
0 - 1 | G Donegan, (John) Jack |
1384 (1409) |
2 | 1249 (1237) | Czyrski, Paul H B |
1 - 0 | B Varga, Raul |
1400 (1399) |
3 | 0958 (1313) | Sharples, Lewis G |
1 - 0 | B Hargreaves, Benjamin |
1300 (1290) |
4 | 1104 (1096) | Robinson, Terry B |
0 - 1 | B Harding-Cornish, Lachlan |
1350 (1273) |
5 | 1432 (1326) | Burgess, Dan G |
0 - 1 | G Donegan, (John) Jack |
1384 (1409) |
6 | 1249 (1237) | Czyrski, Paul H B |
0 - 1 | B Varga, Raul |
1400 (1399) |
7 | 0958 (1313) | Sharples, Lewis G |
½ - ½ | B Hargreaves, Benjamin |
1300 (1290) |
8 | 1104 (1096) | Robinson, Terry B |
½ - ½ | B Harding-Cornish, Lachlan |
1350 (1273) |
Average | 1186 | 3 - 5 | 1359 |
Last update Mick Norris Tue 22nd Oct 2024 17:22. Reported by Mick Norris Tue 15th Oct 2024 15:15. Verified By Mick Norris Tue 22nd Oct 2024 17:22
Grading violations
Unaware Dan Burgess was ineligible for rapid play events as I was given incorrect information on players gradings. I was unfortunately unable to attend in person last night due to sickness. Result was confirmed by Mark Taylor.
Dan Burgess
Dan was registered with his longplay rating on 1 August of 1432K (he had a rapidplay P rating but this was based on only 2 games, both against an unrated player, so is completely meaningless)
Board order
There will be no penalty between the board 3 and 4 of Blue in this instance as the ratings were incorrect on the Blue Rapid sheet.
Can you forward me a correct…
Can you forward me a correct, up-to-date copy for my records and will use this until the next update?
Kind Regards