Chorlton 3 V Eccles Community 2

Autumn OTB Division 4 Tue 14th Dec 2021 00:00 Winner: Home   Verify
Board Rating Chorlton 3 V Eccles Community 2 Rating
1608 (1587) Beswick, Andrew
1 - 0
Holland, Nigel
1540 (1507)
1600 (1547) Hughes, Howard
½ - ½
Winstanley, Colin
1500 (1469)
1640 (1572) Gideonse, Tom
1 - 0
Harold, Lawrence
1495 (1397)
1500 () Weatherall, Joe
1 - 0
Lysons, Chris
1413 (1479)
1400 () McCann, Bobby
0 - 1
Lindsay, Darrell
1413 (1398)
Average 1550 3½ - 1½ 1473

Last update Barbara Farrar Tue 14th Dec 2021 23:44. Reported by Barbara Farrar Tue 14th Dec 2021 23:44. Verified By David Kierman Mon 20th Dec 2021 09:54

Great venue but a tad cold,

Great venue but a tad cold, Well played Chorlton! Unfortunately Eccles were told at the last minute our top two boards were unable to play due to illnesses, but so pleased Eccles did not default a board!

Barbara Farrar

As I was watching the

As I was watching the football. I don't know how cold is was. Most weeks the temperature in the club is fine. Maybe it was a tad cold because all the windows were open, due to the pandemic ? Yes I see Chorlton drafted in another player on board 5. Good to see a number of 'new' players getting matches.

David Kierman