SCCU Under 14 / U1700 reserves games

TextRated games played between match reserves will appear here. Players must be under the age of 14 as at 31 August 2023 and under 1700 in both the 1 September Original (blue) Standard and Rapid (shown in brackets on the match card) lists.
Event NameSCCU Under 14 / U1700 reserves games
Season Name2024-25
Event TypeTeam League
League table sort orderTeam order ->
Number of times teams play1
League table columns
Event Order8
HandicapNo handicap
Special Rules - fixture is1 match
Number of boards8
Grade Limit0
Default Grade0
Grades Below DefaultCount as their grade
PGNPGN all in 1 File | PGN Zip File with one file per game
PlatformOTB Restricted - as per organisation visibility settings
Sent for rating asNot sent for rating
Primary Rating TypeECF Standard OTB September
Grade in brackets in match ViewECF Rapid OTB September
ECF Members OnlyN
TreasurerTim Thurston
Rating Email RecipientMichael Flatt
LMS Assigned Rating CodeLN00006161
Manual Rating CodeMF23132