Solihull D v Ward End Social

Minor Division Wed 22nd Feb 2023   Verify
BoardHomeSolihull DWard End SocialAway
1 (B) 1150 (1383)
Philip, Rohan
½ - ½
Randall, David W
1306 (1270)
2 (W) 1000 (981)
Vallabhaneni, Jitya
½ - ½
Moore, John A
1121 (1192)
3 (B) 1336 (1372)
Ramachandran, Shiva
1 - 0
Bishop, Stephen
0889 (894)
Total34862 - 1Total3316

Last update BDCLRecords Thu 23rd Feb 2023 23:50. Reported by John Moore Wed 22nd Feb 2023 22:37. Verified By Julian Summerfield Wed 22nd Feb 2023 23:50


Arrived 7.25 no tables set up, late start 15 mins, clocks set to 1:20 incremental to much for minor, no team captain to exchange sheet.oOnly 2 players when we finally started, Shiva
Was brought in after boards 1 and 2 had commenced

Hi John- apologies. Normally myself and junior secretary have everything set up 5.30pm each Wednesday for junior session and league matches. Unfortunately both of us were away this week- another member was aware- although may have overlooked your Minor Division match. To help Solihull grow and support both B’ham and Leamington Leagues I am non playing captain of 8 of our 18 teams. Team was sorted on Sunday- unfortunately I cannot be present to supervise all matches- I am away at present. The captain was the adult who unfortunately did not turn up on board 3- ( at least the 2 juniors arrived on board 1 and 2). Whilst it was helpful Shiva agreed to play Stephen and to have a match having travelled the distance. Shiva with an estimated rating of 1400 is ineligible- it would appear your board 1 has had a grade greater than 1350 or 87 (old money) in last 10 years making him ineligible. I will leave it with Alan to verify.

alanw's picture

There are several Questions in this match.... Two I will answer now ..
1:- Solihull Player on Board 3 had not Played in the Minor before, however 5 Games previously played before January makes the player 1336 for Jan after using the Leagues eligibility X conversions that we use for P Grades.
So I believe the player is eligible to Play..... HOWEVER
2:- The Solihull Players on Boards 1 & 2 are over 100Pts lower than Board 3 and have exceeded rule 4.6