Newcastle v Meir

Withnall Trophy Wed 15th Nov 2017   Verify
BoardHomeNewcastleMeir Away
1 (B) 117A (1636)
Gissi, Alberto
1 - 0
Rhodes, Raymond F
91C (1245)
2 (W) 93A (1900)
Hirst, Joe
1 - 0
Perry, Robert
79B (1203)
3 (B) 106A ()
Clapham, Paul
½ - ½
Green, Stuart IE
74C (1349)
4 (W) 97C ()
Tombs, Jeffrey G
1 - 0
Price, Gwyn
68D (1093)
Average1043½ - ½Average78

Last update Steve Emmerton Thu 16th Nov 2017 15:23. Reported by Alberto Gissi . Verified By Ray Rhodes


agissi's picture

Thanks to Jeff's last minute appearance, taking the place of Nic who wasn't feeling well, Newcastle got through to the next stage of the Withnall Trophy.
Despite winning the coin toss, I decided to keep the same board colours as for home matches, as some players had asked me in advance with which colours they were going to play. Jeff was the first to finish and continued his positive streak. In the meanwhile, following a quite strange opening sequence which resulted in a weaker position for me, I managed to force a bishop-rook exchange and turned the game into a win. Almost at the same time as Ray resigned, Paul agreed a draw with Stuart. At that point only Joe was playing, but he already had a clearly winning position and he put his mark as well on the victory.