Walsall Kipping v Coleshill B

Division Five Thu 25th Jan 2024   Verify
BoardHomeWalsall KippingColeshill BAway
1 (W) 1612 (1598)
Friend, David J
1 - 0
Parnell, Phillip
1332 (1328)
2 (B) 1560 (1575)
Colwell, Steven R
1 - 0(def)
Payne, Rob
1249 (1250)
3 (W) 1175 (1147)
McCarthy, Alex
0 - 1
Jones, Malcolm
1235 (1230)
4 (B) 1454 (1432)
Gavin, Peter
½ - ½
Green, Des J
1136 (1128)
Adjustment-2½ - 2½
Total58010 - 4Total4952

Last update BDCLRecords Sat 27th Jan 2024 01:49. Reported by Des Green Thu 25th Jan 2024 22:46. Verified By Peter Nixon Fri 26th Jan 2024 17:56


Board violation by Walsall Kipping, board 4 more than 100 points higher than board 3.Coleshill claim the match 4 - 0

D Green
Coleshill Chess Club

I know there is technical violation. Alex was the stand in Captain for the night. Our board 3 was running late and that the opponent was a blind player, Alex thought it easier if he swapped positions as he would have to describe the playing conditions for the late arriving player . Error on his part done in good faith.
If Coleshill want to win a game in that style, let them.

I appreciate why Alex did what he did but the rules are there to be adhered to by all parties.

Why was board 2 defaulted then?

I could argue, you didn't have a player.

Malcolm Jones should have played Steve Colwell.

I could argue every single one of your players from that defaulted position is playing out of order. Rules are rules.

Your claiming the game because board 3 was played out of position of board 4 while you defaulted board 2? It's a bit rich, but if that is your style go ahead.

I am not prepared to get into a slanging match with you. I advised your board 2 player at 7:15 pm that I had not heard from our board 2 player and at that point turned my phone off as my game was about to start. At the end of the game I checked my phone and had received a message at 7:30 pm to say that he had suffered a puncture on the motorway and was awaiting a repair. I have no more comments to make.

alanw's picture

Board order.
Whilst I accept Walsall in good faith have done their best to field a full team at Short notice,
The 100Pt Board order rule takes no account of why, with Breach of the rule resulting in loss of Match