Broadland Harriers v Norfolk & Norwich D

NCCA League Division 4 Tue 19th Sep 2023   Verify
BoardHomeBroadland HarriersNorfolk & Norwich DAway
1 (B) 1300
Shaw, Olly
0 - 1
Poll, Lawrence
2 (W) 1342
Armitage, Richard
½ - ½
Casey, James
3 (B) 1236
Coppard, Paul J
0 - 1
Raff, Murray
4 (W) 1189
Walker, Heather Enid
0 - 1
Clarke, Malcolm
Total5067 ½ - 3½Total5840

Last update Stephen Livermore Fri 22nd Sep 2023 07:57. Reported by Roy Hughes Wed 20th Sep 2023 15:38. Verified By Malcolm Clarke Thu 21st Sep 2023 20:39


Olly Shaw board 1, added to club player list but fails to appear in dropdown.

slivermore's picture

Olly Shaw's rating is showing as 0000 because he did not have a standard rating at the start of September. He must have played a standard rated game since then because if you click on his name and scroll down you will see that he has a latest standard rating of 1452P. As you know we use the monthly figure rather than the latest figure when applying the board order rules but I am inclined, if N&N are agreeable, to use the latest figure in this case and approve the match result accordingly.

slivermore's picture

I have just re-read the NCCA competition rules and found that rule 3b states "Where a player does not have a current published rating the Competitions Controller is to allocate an appropriate estimated rating using information from any relevant source." Based on an email exchange with Paul as Harriers captain I have assigned an estimated local "L" rating of 1300. I will remove this rating once Olly has an ECF rating. If the ECF rating is a provisional "P" rating Paul may want to consider asking for a further "L" rating to be applied until such time as Olly's rating becomes "K" rated.