Lytham 2 v Lytham 3

Division B Thu 12th Oct 2023   Verify
BoardHomeLytham 2Lytham 3Away
1 (B) 2087 (1975)
Gee, William
1 - 0
Anderson, Torrin
1647 (1720)
2 (W) 1733 (1639)
Aspinall, David E
1 - 0
O'Rourke, T Ben
1630 (1629)
3 (B) 1731 (1771)
Raynor, Philip N
½ - ½
Pickering, Darren
1576 (1624)
4 (W) 1635 (1704)
Morgan-Short, Andrei
1 - 0
Coleman, Patrick N
1490 (1446)
Total71863½ - ½Total6343

Last update Phil Raynor Fri 13th Oct 2023 14:31. Reported by Phil Raynor Fri 13th Oct 2023 14:31. Verified By


praynor's picture

On Board 1: It was a tough game, William playing black against Torrin, after playing many defensive moves, William manged to create an attack against his opponents king. With skillful play William's opponent managed to get into an endgame by exchanging queens, but William's position was overwhelming and he went on to win. On Board 2: A very even game which looked very much like a draw for a long time.
Black's King got stuck in the middle of the board, and whilst the King was not at risk it allowed White's Queen to simultaneously attack two pawns which proved decisive. On Board 3: Both sides played accurately in a Closed Sicilian and the game resulted in a draw. On Board 4 Andrei managed to win a rook and then won with the additional material.