Preston 2 v Preston 1

Division A Wed 28th Feb 2024   Verify
BoardHomePreston 2Preston 1Away
1 (B) 2120 (2098)
Sumner, Jim
½ - ½
Lund, D Brett
2321 (2279)
2 (W) 1947 (1888)
Taylor, Phillip J
0 - 1
Peacock, Malcolm R
2074 (2073)
3 (B) 1868 (1825)
Reaney, Conor
0 - 1
Ashcroft, Graham J
1866 (1890)
4 (W) 1694 (1739)
Tillotson, Carl A
½ - ½
Pidcock, Alan
1811 (1745)
Total76291 - 3Total8072

Last update Carl Tillotson Wed 28th Feb 2024 23:10. Reported by Carl Tillotson Wed 28th Feb 2024 23:10. Verified By


Struggle for Preston-2 still without Pete, who is still recovering from an operation. We wish him well!

Did not see much of the games, they all looked tense and equal at the half way point.

Graham v Conor was first to finish, the point going to Preston 1. This was followed up by a win by Malcolm for a 2-0 lead.

Brett and Jim had a good tough tussle, and a draw agreed win a B v N and pawns ending.

My game was a tough battle with Alan, who caught me out in the opening. Under a lot of pressure on the f-file, led to me sacrificing a rook for bishop and pawn. Managed to win a second pawn back, so it was R,B,2P v 2R, still a lot of pressure from the rooks. In the end, with time running out for both of us, Alan kindly offered a draw, with the match already won for Preston 1.

Congrats to Preston 1, who do the double over Preston 2.