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Haywards Heath 2 v Horsham 5

Division 3 Thu 9th Nov 2023   Verify
BoardHomeHaywards Heath 2Horsham 5Away
1 (B) 1805
Clark, Julian
1 - 0
Reid, Andrew S
2 (W) 1757
Ewens, Graham
½ - ½
Reid, James EL
3 (B) 1809
Klue, Jaco
1 - 0
Waddingham, Roger
4 (W) 1372
Bedingham, Jonathan
0 - 1
Turvey, Guy
Average16862½ - 1½Average1632

Last update David Fryer Fri 10th Nov 2023 12:57. Reported by David Fryer Fri 10th Nov 2023 12:57. Verified By Roland Rattray Sat 11th Nov 2023 18:32


last night Jacos grade was 1731, however he is a new player and this grade is based on three wins in the league whereas Grahams grade is based on many years of playing.
Board 2 black is James Reid but he is not on the drop down list for Horsham players. Can you add him to your list please Roger and then put him on here, thanks.

It is after two games in the third division both wins but i think it is a bit high , we will see.

dfryer's picture

added James EL Reid needs checking by Horsham but I think the correct James Reid
Jaco's Rating is a P rating so can be ignored it will change to a K rating after 10 games
James and Andre Reid's are also a P Rating it would be better if LMS did not list these ratings but apparently not possible or not easy to do

Thanks David, yes these grades are too early.

Just to confirm you have the correct James Reid, thanks David