Chorlton 3 v 3Cs 3

C Division Tue 5th Dec 2023   Verify
BoardHomeChorlton 33Cs 3Away
1 (B) 1727 (1741)
Nurse, Richard
0 - 1
Lewis, Andrew
1933 (1961)
2 (W) 1636 (1644)
Phythian, Graham
½ - ½
Tebelev, Michael
1892 (1912)
3 (B) 1569 (1707)
Ignasiak, Jeremi
0 - 1
Butterworth, Nathan P
1887 (1899)
4 (W) 1612 (1633)
Horwell, Peter
1 - 0
Espiritu, Marlon
1751 (1717)
5 (B) 1736 (1840)
Alderton, Julian A
1 - 0
Malik, Hunain
1689 (1862)
6 (W) 1591 (1556)
Hicks, Conor
1 - 0
Newton, Ben
1699 (1830)
Adjustment-1 - 1
Average16462½ - 3½Average1809

Last update Alan Burke Wed 6th Dec 2023 10:20. Reported by David Kierman Wed 6th Dec 2023 09:35. Verified By Jonathan Miller Wed 6th Dec 2023 17:39


Unfortunately, Chorlton board 5, did not show up. So after about 20 minutes. We were faced with a problem. who could fill in the board at such short notice. Julian Alderton, who had declined playing all season, said he would give Mr Malik a game.
This was because the other players we had in the club at that time were so lowly graded, that we thought it wasn't worth playing them.
Whilst Julian would at least give him a challenge. As it turned out, it was the last board to be completed.
Now we know he is now played out of sequence and thus most likely Chorlton will lose a match point.
However his game at least will be graded?
Overall a great result for Chorlton 3, who were playing players on average 150 points higher than themselves.

While it is correct that board 5 will be rated as per the result and that, for MCF purposes, it will be awarded to 3Cs (as per the adjustment above), Chorlton are commended for at least finding someone to play and which also prevented them from being deducted an extra penalty point.