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Chorlton 5 v 3Cs 5

F Division Tue 12th Mar 2024   Verify
BoardHomeChorlton 53Cs 5Away
1 (B) 1396 (1406)
Donegan, (John) Jack
1 - 0
Walton, John F
1422 (1386)
2 (W) 1250 (1618)
Summers, Iain
1 - 0
Correa, Edward
1385 (1412)
3 (B) 1300 (1417)
Harding-Cornish, Lachlan
0 - 1
Johnston, Declan
1350 (1755)
4 (W) 1309 (1295)
Patten, Edward
½ - ½
Pelling, Victor
1162 (1159)
5 (B) 1200 (1407)
Ramesh, Kiruthikvarshan
1 - 0
Connolly, Ryan
1059 (990)
6 (W) 1100 (1248)
Dao, Brandon
½ - ½
Correa, Everson
1519 (1510)
Adjustment ½ - -½
Average12604½ - 1½Average1317

Last update Alan Burke Tue 12th Mar 2024 23:18. Reported by John Walton Tue 12th Mar 2024 23:04. Verified By Jack Donegan Wed 13th Mar 2024 20:59


jwalton's picture

I advised Chorlton that we were playing a board short due to exams and Ramadan. Everson brought his son to the match and to give the Chorlton 5 board 6 junior player a game he agreed to play him although he was too high graded for this match.
This resulted in a drawn game.
I am aware 3Cs 5 will forfeit board 6 as a win to Chorlton.

While the individual result of board 6 will be sent to the ECF for rating, it will be awarded to Chorlton for match result purposes as the 3Cs' player was over the rating limit for the division. However, having someone to actually play did prevent a further game point having to be deducted for a total default of the board.

It was good as ot meant everyone could play also thanks jack