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Barclays 1 v Bank of England

Combined Banks and Insurance Chess League 2000-01 Tue 5th Dec 2000   Verify
BoardHomeBarclays 1Bank of EnglandAway
1 (B)
Willmoth, Robert F
1 - 0
Leake, Jeremy A
2 (W)
Thomas, Robert K
1 - 0
Keenan, Brendan
3 (B)
Woods, David M
0 - 1
Andrews, B Peter A
4 (W)
Jones, Michael N
0 - 1
Hatton, Paul R
Total02 - 2Total0

Last update Daniel Lindner Wed 29th Dec 2021 09:38. Reported by Daniel Lindner Wed 29th Dec 2021 09:38. Verified By


Mike Jones, Joint Organiser, thinking he needed to win, turned down the offer of a draw early on in his game. He didn‘t need to win and he didn‘t even get the draw. In such ways does Dame Chess keep her subjects in check. Bank move to the top of the table - jointly with RBS/Americans. They will have been happier with the drawn match than reigning Champions, Barclays. Barclays 1 have yet to get in gear - someone will suffer when they do.