Hackney MA v Hammersmith Hodgson MA

Major Wed 6th Dec 2023   Verify
BoardHomeHackney MAHammersmith Hodgson MAAway
1 (B) 1812 (1792)
Dyte, Alistair P
1 - 0
Tello, Yasser
1777 (1871)
2 (W) 1714 (1721)
Gribben, Chris
0 - 1
Abbott, John
0000 (1763)
3 (B) 1665 (1661)
Landman, Aharon
0 - 1
Kahane, Erasmus
1738 (1661)
4 (W) 1599 (1586)
Gunby, Geoff
1 - 0
Stones, Jake
1720 (1727)
Penalty0 - 1
Average16982 - 1Average1309

Last update Mark Murrell Fri 8th Dec 2023 08:43. Reported by David Steyn Thu 7th Dec 2023 07:54. Verified By Zebedee Jones Sat 9th Dec 2023 12:47


Hammersmith board one was a new player, Yasser Tello. I will load his details.
Re colours, I was not present and need to get them.
Regards, David

New player on board one was Yasser Tello who has now been loaded on the system.

mmurrell's picture

Hammersmith board 1 is eligible as above the rating limit. The LMC has determined that for rating purposes any affected game will be rated as played and for the match result the board awarded to the opposition and a penalty game point deducted from the match score of the offending team.