Battersea Goats MI v Battersea Falcons MI

Minor Tue 3rd Oct 2023   Verify
BoardHomeBattersea Goats MIBattersea Falcons MIAway
1 (W) 1513 (1530)
Kowalczyk, Karina
0 - 1
McLeod, Alexander
1656 (1667)
2 (B) 1490 (1479)
Watt, Chris J
1 - 0
Morales, Joel R
1556 (1568)
3 (W) 1439 (1468)
Stafford, Will
0 - 1
Bermudez, Venerando
1426 (1570)
4 (B) 1993 (1362)
Evren, Serra
0 - 1
Boozorginia, Zoya
1271 (1334)
Adjustment1 - -1
Penalty0 - 1
Average16092 - 1Average1478

Last update Mark Murrell Fri 8th Dec 2023 08:54. Reported by zoya boozorginia Mon 9th Oct 2023 10:36. Verified By Mark Murrell Fri 22nd Dec 2023 17:06


zxboozorginia's picture

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mmurrell's picture

Battersea Falcons Board 1 is ineligible as above the rating limit. The LMC has determined that for rating purposes any affected game will be rated as played and for the match result the board awarded to the opposition and a penalty game point deducted from the match score of the offending team.

zxboozorginia's picture

Dear Mark,

Many thanks for revising the score. I appreciate that Alex Mcleod's rating was higher than the average and agree that the penalty should be applied.

However, i would like to make clarification on the point lost. So we scored 3-1, if we add the -1 the score should be 2-2. Isnt this right? Can you please recheck the score.

Many thanks

Zoya Booorginia
On behalf of Battersea Falcons