Bournemouth C v Wimborne C

B&DCL Div 3 Tue 28th Nov 2023   Verify
BoardHomeBournemouth CWimborne CAway
1 (B) 1718
Jackson, Paul A
½ - ½
Cleland, Nathaniel J
2 (W) 1726
Bolton, Stephen
0 - 1
Pollyn, Stephen M
3 (B) 1702
Miles, Daniel
½ - ½
Cordner, John R
4 (W) 1672
Willington, Robert M
1 - 0
Hillman, Graham
Total68182 - 2Total7075

Last update Daniel Miles Tue 28th Nov 2023 23:34. Reported by Daniel Miles Tue 28th Nov 2023 23:34. Verified By Graham Hillman Sat 2nd Dec 2023 15:13


dmiles's picture

A really interesting night of tough chess. Board 3 was first to finish, white gambitted a pawn and it created a very double-edged position as black sacrificed two pieces for a pawn and rook to then pin the knight in front of the king to try and win it back. The computer hated the idea (it didnt work) but it did work for me ending up an exchange but with a horribly exposed king. It ended with me taking a perpetual as it was very unclear who was better if I tried to carry on (The computer of course completely disagrees and could see an 'obvious' victory in 20-30 moves). Next to finish was board 1. This got down to rook+4 versus rook+4 and completely symmetrical. It ended peacefully. Next was board 2 to finish. White was down a queen for a rook but it was tricky and I think there may have been chances tactically to create drawing chances, but these were not spotted and may have still been losing anyway. This left board 4 which went down to the wire with 60 moves and less than 10 minutes on the clock for white and 2 minutes for black. A draw was offered and declined as Rob pressed to try and get something out of an endgame that may well have been drawn or if it was winning was very technical, but white had less weaknesses and could press forever. This rather anticlimatically ended with Graham touching a piece when moving it would be a blunder and he decided to resign. It was a shame for it to end that way, but was an incredibly well fought game and match from all players. Final score 2-2.