
Home TeamResultAway TeamDateTimeEventStatus
Poole The Other One6 - 0YeovilThu 7th Sep 202319:30B&DCL Team Handicap Knockout Cup - 2023 OU
Ringwood B4 - 2Southbourne SeagullsMon 18th Sep 202319:30B&DCL Team Handicap Knockout Cup - 2023 OV
Highcliffe A3½ - ½Wimborne AMon 2nd Oct 202319:30B&DCL Div 1OV
Ringwood C2 - 2Southbourne DMon 2nd Oct 202319:30B&DCL Div 4OV
Poole D ½ - 3½Wimborne DMon 2nd Oct 202319:30B&DCL Div 4OV
Bournemouth A3½ - ½Southbourne BTue 3rd Oct 202319:30B&DCL Div 2OV
Bournemouth E1½ - 2½Bournemouth DWed 4th Oct 202319:30B&DCL Div 4OV
Ringwood A2 - 2Southbourne AMon 9th Oct 202319:30B&DCL Div 1OV
Highcliffe B3 - 1New Milton AMon 9th Oct 202319:30B&DCL Div 2OV
Highcliffe D1 - 3Wimborne EMon 9th Oct 202319:30B&DCL Div 5OV
Poole E3½ - ½Poole FMon 9th Oct 202319:30B&DCL Div 5OU
Bournemouth F ½ - 3½New Milton BTue 10th Oct 202319:30B&DCL Div 5OV
Wimborne B3 - 1Bournemouth BWed 11th Oct 202319:30B&DCL Div 2OU
Ringwood B1 - 3Highcliffe CMon 16th Oct 202319:30B&DCL Div 3OU
Highcliffe Castles2 - 1Poole BishopsMon 16th Oct 202319:30BacchusOU
Highcliffe A1½ - 2½Poole AMon 16th Oct 202319:30DCL Div 1OV
Ringwood Waifs & Strays2 - 3Southbourne SeagullsMon 16th Oct 202319:30BacchusOV
Bournemouth D1½ - 2½Poole DTue 17th Oct 202319:30B&DCL Div 4OV
Bournemouth1 - 3Wimborne ATue 17th Oct 202319:30DCL Div 1OV
Southbourne C1½ - 2½Bournemouth CFri 20th Oct 202319:30B&DCL Div 3OV
Poole A1 - 3Highcliffe AMon 23rd Oct 202319:30B&DCL Div 1OV
Poole C2 - 2Wimborne CMon 23rd Oct 202319:30B&DCL Div 3OV
Purbeck A2½ - 1½Dorchester CMon 23rd Oct 202319:30DCL Div 2OV
New Milton A1 - 3Southbourne BTue 24th Oct 202319:30B&DCL Div 2OV
Weymouth B4 - 0Poole BTue 24th Oct 202319:30DCL Div 2OU
Wimborne D2½ - 1½Ringwood CWed 25th Oct 202319:30B&DCL Div 4OU
Southbourne A1½ - 2½Poole BFri 27th Oct 202319:30B&DCL Div 1OU
Southbourne D3 - 1Bournemouth EFri 27th Oct 202319:30B&DCL Div 4OV
Highcliffe B2½ - 1½Wimborne BMon 30th Oct 202319:30B&DCL Div 2OV
Poole F2 - 2Highcliffe DMon 30th Oct 202319:30B&DCL Div 5OV
Poole The Other One5½ - ½Ringwood BMon 30th Oct 202319:30B&DCL Team Handicap Knockout Cup - 2023 OU
Bournemouth B ½ - 3½Bournemouth ATue 31st Oct 202319:30B&DCL Div 2OU
New Milton B2½ - 1½Poole ETue 31st Oct 202319:30B&DCL Div 5OU
Dorchester B1 - 3Highcliffe BThu 2nd Nov 202319:30DCL Div 2OV
Poole B1 - 3Poole AMon 6th Nov 202319:30B&DCL Div 1OU
Highcliffe C1½ - 2½Southbourne CMon 6th Nov 202319:30B&DCL Div 3OU
Ringwood C1 - 3Poole DMon 6th Nov 202319:30B&DCL Div 4OV
Ringwood1½ - 2½Wimborne BMon 6th Nov 202319:30DCL Div 2OU
Purbeck B1 - 3Highcliffe CMon 6th Nov 202319:30DCL Div 3OV
Bournemouth C1 - 3Poole CTue 7th Nov 202319:30B&DCL Div 3OU
Wimborne C2½ - 1½Ringwood BWed 8th Nov 202319:30B&DCL Div 3OV
Yeovil2½ - 1½Highcliffe AWed 8th Nov 202319:30DCL Div 1OU
Weymouth A2½ - 1½BournemouthThu 9th Nov 202319:30DCL Div 1OU
Dorchester A1½ - 2½Poole AThu 9th Nov 202319:30DCL Div 1OU
Southbourne Seagulls2 - 3Highcliffe CastlesFri 10th Nov 202319:30BacchusOU
Highcliffe A1 - 3Southbourne AMon 13th Nov 202319:30B&DCL Div 1OV
Ringwood A1½ - 2½Poole BMon 13th Nov 202319:30B&DCL Div 1OV
Bournemouth E2 - 2Wimborne DTue 14th Nov 202319:30B&DCL Div 4OV
Weymouth C1 - 3Poole CTue 14th Nov 202319:30DCL Div 3OV
Wimborne A2 - 2Poole AWed 15th Nov 202319:30B&DCL Div 1OV
Southbourne D2 - 2Bournemouth DFri 17th Nov 202319:30B&DCL Div 4OV
Poole E3 - 1Wimborne EMon 20th Nov 202319:30B&DCL Div 5OV
Highcliffe B1½ - 2½Weymouth BMon 20th Nov 202319:30DCL Div 2OV
Poole B2 - 2Purbeck AMon 20th Nov 202319:30DCL Div 2OV
Bournemouth B1½ - 2½Highcliffe BTue 21st Nov 202319:30B&DCL Div 2OV
New Milton A ½ - 3½Bournemouth ATue 21st Nov 202319:30B&DCL Div 2OV
Bournemouth F1 - 3Highcliffe DTue 21st Nov 202319:30B&DCL Div 5OV
Wimborne B3½ - ½Dorchester BWed 22nd Nov 202319:30DCL Div 2OV
Yeovil ½ - 3½Dorchester AThu 23rd Nov 202319:30DCL Div 1OU
Dorchester C2 - 2RingwoodThu 23rd Nov 202319:30DCL Div 2OV
Southbourne B2 - 2Wimborne BFri 24th Nov 202319:30B&DCL Div 2OV
Highcliffe C2 - 2Poole CMon 27th Nov 202319:30B&DCL Div 3OU
Highcliffe Castles1 - 2Ringwood Waifs & StraysMon 27th Nov 202319:30BacchusOU
Poole A2½ - 1½BournemouthMon 27th Nov 202319:30DCL Div 1OU
Bournemouth C2 - 2Wimborne CTue 28th Nov 202319:30B&DCL Div 3OV
New Milton B3½ - ½Poole FTue 28th Nov 202319:30B&DCL Div 5OU
Wimborne E2½ - 1½Bournemouth FWed 29th Nov 202319:30B&DCL Div 5OV
Wimborne A2 - 2YeovilWed 29th Nov 202319:30DCL Div 1OU
Dorchester A2 - 2Weymouth AThu 30th Nov 202319:30DCL Div 1OU
Southbourne C3 - 1Ringwood BFri 1st Dec 202319:30B&DCL Div 3OU
Southbourne Seagulls3½ - ½Poole BishopsFri 1st Dec 202319:30BacchusOU
Highcliffe A1½ - 2½Ringwood AMon 4th Dec 202319:30B&DCL Div 1OV
Poole A2½ - 1½Southbourne AMon 4th Dec 202319:30B&DCL Div 1OU
Poole B2 - 2Wimborne AMon 4th Dec 202319:30B&DCL Div 1OU
Poole D3½ - ½Southbourne DMon 4th Dec 202319:30B&DCL Div 4OV
Highcliffe C2½ - 1½Weymouth CMon 4th Dec 202319:30DCL Div 3OV
Bournemouth E1 - 3Ringwood CTue 5th Dec 202319:30B&DCL Div 4OU
Bournemouth D2 - 2Wimborne DTue 5th Dec 202319:30B&DCL Div 4OV
Dorchester D1 - 3Purbeck BThu 7th Dec 202319:30DCL Div 3OU
Highcliffe D2½ - 1½New Milton BMon 11th Dec 202319:30B&DCL Div 5OV
Poole E3½ - ½Bournemouth FMon 11th Dec 202319:30B&DCL Div 5OV
Highcliffe B1½ - 2½Wimborne BMon 11th Dec 202319:30DCL Div 2OU
Bournemouth A2 - 2Highcliffe BTue 12th Dec 202319:30B&DCL Div 2OV
Weymouth B2 - 2Dorchester CTue 12th Dec 202319:30DCL Div 2OV
Wimborne B2 - 2New Milton AWed 13th Dec 202319:30B&DCL Div 2OU
Wimborne E4 - 0Poole FWed 13th Dec 202319:30B&DCL Div 5OV
Purbeck A4 - 0RingwoodMon 18th Dec 202319:30DCL Div 2OV
Wimborne A3½ - ½Ringwood AWed 3rd Jan 202419:30B&DCL Div 1OU
Southbourne B1 - 3Bournemouth BFri 5th Jan 202419:30B&DCL Div 2OU
Poole C2½ - 1½Southbourne CMon 8th Jan 202419:30B&DCL Div 3OV
Ringwood B2½ - 1½Bournemouth CMon 8th Jan 202419:30B&DCL Div 3OV
Poole Bishops2 - 2Highcliffe CastlesMon 8th Jan 202419:30BacchusOU
Wimborne C2½ - 1½Highcliffe CWed 10th Jan 202419:30B&DCL Div 3OV
Wimborne E1½ - 2½New Milton BWed 10th Jan 202419:30B&DCL Div 5OU
Ringwood A ½ - 3½Poole AMon 15th Jan 202419:30B&DCL Div 1OU
Poole B2½ - 1½Highcliffe AMon 15th Jan 202419:30B&DCL Div 1OV
Poole D2½ - 1½Bournemouth EMon 15th Jan 202419:30B&DCL Div 4OV
Ringwood C1½ - 2½Bournemouth DMon 15th Jan 202419:30B&DCL Div 4OV
Purbeck B1 - 3Weymouth CMon 15th Jan 202419:30DCL Div 3OV
Wimborne D3 - 1Southbourne DWed 17th Jan 202419:30B&DCL Div 4OV
Highcliffe B2½ - 1½Southbourne BMon 22nd Jan 202419:30B&DCL Div 2OU
Highcliffe D3 - 1Poole EMon 22nd Jan 202419:30B&DCL Div 5OU
Poole F3 - 1Bournemouth FMon 22nd Jan 202419:30B&DCL Div 5OU
Poole C3 - 1Dorchester DMon 22nd Jan 202419:30DCL Div 3OV
New Milton A1½ - 2½Bournemouth BTue 23rd Jan 202419:30B&DCL Div 2OU
Wimborne B1 - 3Bournemouth AWed 24th Jan 202419:30B&DCL Div 2OU
Dorchester B1½ - 2½Poole BThu 25th Jan 202419:30DCL Div 2OU
Southbourne A2 - 2Wimborne AFri 26th Jan 202419:30B&DCL Div 1OV
Southbourne C1½ - 2½Wimborne CFri 26th Jan 202419:30B&DCL Div 3OU
Highcliffe C1½ - 2½Bournemouth CMon 29th Jan 202419:30B&DCL Div 3OU
Ringwood B3 - 1Poole CMon 29th Jan 202419:30B&DCL Div 3OV
Ringwood Waifs & Strays1½ - 1½Poole BishopsMon 29th Jan 202419:30BacchusOU
Highcliffe Castles0 - 3Southbourne SeagullsMon 29th Jan 202419:30BacchusOV
Wimborne A2½ - 1½Poole AWed 31st Jan 202419:30DCL Div 1OV
Poole A3½ - ½Poole BMon 5th Feb 202419:30B&DCL Div 1OU
Highcliffe B2 - 2RingwoodMon 5th Feb 202419:30DCL Div 2OU
Highcliffe C3 - 1Poole CMon 5th Feb 202419:30DCL Div 3OU
Bournemouth D2 - 2Bournemouth ETue 6th Feb 202419:30B&DCL Div 4OV
Weymouth C4 - 0Dorchester DTue 6th Feb 202419:30DCL Div 3OV
Wimborne A2½ - 1½Highcliffe AWed 7th Feb 202419:30B&DCL Div 1OV
Wimborne D1½ - 2½Poole DWed 7th Feb 202419:30B&DCL Div 4OV
Southbourne A2 - 2Ringwood AFri 9th Feb 202419:30B&DCL Div 1OU
Southbourne D1½ - 2½Ringwood CFri 9th Feb 202419:30B&DCL Div 4OU
Poole F3 - 1Poole EMon 12th Feb 202419:30B&DCL Div 5OV
Bournemouth B1½ - 2½Wimborne BTue 13th Feb 202419:30B&DCL Div 2OU
Weymouth B2 - 2Purbeck ATue 13th Feb 202419:30DCL Div 2OV
Wimborne E1½ - 2½Highcliffe DWed 14th Feb 202419:30B&DCL Div 5OU
Wimborne B2½ - 1½Poole BWed 14th Feb 202419:30DCL Div 2OV
Dorchester C3 - 1Dorchester BThu 15th Feb 202419:30DCL Div 2OU
Southbourne B2 - 2Bournemouth AFri 16th Feb 202419:30B&DCL Div 2OU
Highcliffe C2 - 2Ringwood BMon 19th Feb 202419:30B&DCL Div 3OU
Highcliffe A2 - 2Weymouth AMon 19th Feb 202419:30DCL Div 1OV
New Milton A2 - 2Highcliffe BTue 20th Feb 202419:30B&DCL Div 2OV
Bournemouth C2 - 2Southbourne CTue 20th Feb 202419:30B&DCL Div 3OU
Bournemouth3 - 1Dorchester ATue 20th Feb 202419:30DCL Div 1OU
Wimborne C2 - 2Poole CWed 21st Feb 202419:30B&DCL Div 3OV
Highcliffe A2½ - 1½Poole AMon 26th Feb 202419:30B&DCL Div 1OV
Ringwood A ½ - 3½Wimborne AMon 26th Feb 202419:30B&DCL Div 1OV
Poole B ½ - 3½Southbourne AMon 26th Feb 202419:30B&DCL Div 1OU
Ringwood C2 - 2Wimborne DMon 26th Feb 202419:30B&DCL Div 4OV
Poole D2 - 2Bournemouth DMon 26th Feb 202419:30B&DCL Div 4OU
Poole Bishops0 - 3Southbourne SeagullsMon 26th Feb 202419:30BacchusOU
Poole C2½ - 1½Purbeck BMon 26th Feb 202419:30DCL Div 3OV
Bournemouth E1 - 3Southbourne DTue 27th Feb 202419:30B&DCL Div 4OU
New Milton B3½ - ½Bournemouth FTue 27th Feb 202419:30B&DCL Div 5OV
Dorchester D2 - 2Highcliffe CThu 29th Feb 202419:30DCL Div 3OV
Poole E3 - 1New Milton BMon 4th Mar 202419:30B&DCL Div 5OU
Highcliffe D3 - 1Poole FMon 4th Mar 202419:30B&DCL Div 5OV
Poole B1½ - 2½Highcliffe BMon 4th Mar 202419:30DCL Div 2OU
Bournemouth A2½ - 1½Bournemouth BTue 5th Mar 202419:30B&DCL Div 2OU
Bournemouth F0 - 4Wimborne ETue 5th Mar 202419:30B&DCL Div 5OV
Wimborne B2 - 2Highcliffe BWed 6th Mar 202419:30B&DCL Div 2OV
Dorchester C1½ - 2½Wimborne BThu 7th Mar 202419:30DCL Div 2OV
Dorchester B1½ - 2½Purbeck AThu 7th Mar 202419:30DCL Div 2OU
Southbourne B2½ - 1½New Milton AFri 8th Mar 202419:30B&DCL Div 2OU
Southbourne Seagulls1½ - 4½Highcliffe FischersFri 8th Mar 202419:30B&DCL Team Handicap Knockout Cup - 2024OV
Poole C3½ - ½Bournemouth CMon 11th Mar 202419:30B&DCL Div 3OV
Ringwood B1 - 3Wimborne CMon 11th Mar 202419:30B&DCL Div 3OU
Highcliffe Castles0 - 0Poole BishopsPostponed19:30BacchusOU
Ringwood1½ - 2½Weymouth BMon 11th Mar 202419:30DCL Div 2OU
Highcliffe Carlsens2½ - 3½Poole The Other OneMon 11th Mar 202419:30B&DCL Team Handicap Knockout Cup - 2024OV
Bournemouth4 - 2Southbourne SharksTue 12th Mar 202419:30B&DCL Team Handicap Knockout Cup - 2024OV
Poole A3½ - ½YeovilThu 14th Mar 202419:30DCL Div 1OV
Weymouth A2½ - 1½Wimborne AThu 14th Mar 202419:30DCL Div 1OV
Dorchester A1½ - 2½Highcliffe AThu 14th Mar 202419:30DCL Div 1OU
Southbourne C1 - 3Highcliffe CFri 15th Mar 202419:30B&DCL Div 3OU
Poole B3 - 1Ringwood AMon 18th Mar 202419:30B&DCL Div 1OV
Poole A3 - 1Wimborne AMon 18th Mar 202419:30B&DCL Div 1OV
Poole D2 - 2Ringwood CMon 18th Mar 202419:30B&DCL Div 4OU
Highcliffe D2½ - 1½Bournemouth FMon 18th Mar 202419:30B&DCL Div 5OV
Highcliffe B2 - 2Dorchester CMon 18th Mar 202419:30DCL Div 2OV
Bournemouth D1 - 3Southbourne DTue 19th Mar 202419:30B&DCL Div 4OU
Wimborne D3 - 1Bournemouth EWed 20th Mar 202419:30B&DCL Div 4OV
Wimborne3 - 3Yeovil <Thu 21st Mar 202419:30B&DCL Team Handicap Knockout Cup - 2024OU
Dorchester4 - 2WeymouthThu 21st Mar 202419:30B&DCL Team Handicap Knockout Cup - 2024OU
Southbourne A ½ - 3½Highcliffe AFri 22nd Mar 202419:30B&DCL Div 1OV
Highcliffe B2½ - 1½Bournemouth BMon 25th Mar 202419:30B&DCL Div 2OV
Ringwood B2½ - 1½Southbourne CMon 25th Mar 202419:30B&DCL Div 3OU
Poole F3 - 1New Milton BMon 25th Mar 202419:30B&DCL Div 5OU
Ringwood1½ - 2½Poole BMon 25th Mar 202419:30DCL Div 2OU
Poole Position4 - 2PurbeckMon 25th Mar 202419:30B&DCL Team Handicap Knockout Cup - 2024OV
Bournemouth A2½ - 1½New Milton ATue 26th Mar 202419:30B&DCL Div 2OU
Weymouth B2½ - 1½Dorchester BTue 26th Mar 202419:30DCL Div 2OU
Wimborne B2 - 2Southbourne BWed 27th Mar 202419:30B&DCL Div 2OU
Wimborne E3 - 1Poole EWed 27th Mar 202419:30B&DCL Div 5OU
Bournemouth2 - 2Highcliffe ATue 2nd Apr 202419:30DCL Div 1OU
Wimborne C4 - 0Bournemouth CWed 3rd Apr 202419:30B&DCL Div 3OU
Wimborne A3½ - ½Dorchester AWed 3rd Apr 202419:30DCL Div 1OU
Weymouth A3½ - ½YeovilThu 4th Apr 202419:30DCL Div 1OV
Ringwood4 - 2New MiltonThu 4th Apr 202419:30B&DCL Team Handicap Knockout Cup - 2024OV
Ringwood A2 - 2Highcliffe AMon 8th Apr 202419:30B&DCL Div 1OV
Poole C3 - 1Highcliffe CMon 8th Apr 202419:30B&DCL Div 3OV
Ringwood C2 - 2Bournemouth EMon 8th Apr 202419:30B&DCL Div 4OV
Wimborne A3 - 1Poole BWed 10th Apr 202419:30B&DCL Div 1OV
Wimborne D2 - 2Bournemouth DWed 10th Apr 202419:30B&DCL Div 4OV
Southbourne A1½ - 2½Poole AFri 12th Apr 202419:30B&DCL Div 1OU
Southbourne D1½ - 2½Poole DFri 12th Apr 202419:30B&DCL Div 4OV
Highcliffe B2½ - 1½Bournemouth AMon 15th Apr 202419:30B&DCL Div 2OV
Poole F1½ - 2½Wimborne EMon 15th Apr 202419:30B&DCL Div 5OU
Poole B2 - 2Dorchester CMon 15th Apr 202419:30DCL Div 2OV
Highcliffe C2 - 2Purbeck BMon 15th Apr 202419:30DCL Div 3 KnockoutOV
Bournemouth B2 - 2Southbourne BTue 16th Apr 202419:30B&DCL Div 2OU
New Milton B1½ - 2½Highcliffe DTue 16th Apr 202419:30B&DCL Div 5OU
Bournemouth F3 - 1Poole ETue 16th Apr 202419:30B&DCL Div 5OU
Wimborne B3 - 1Weymouth BWed 17th Apr 202419:30DCL Div 2OU
Highcliffe C1½ - 2½Wimborne CMon 22nd Apr 202419:30B&DCL Div 3OU
Ringwood3 - 1Dorchester BMon 22nd Apr 202419:30DCL Div 2OV
Purbeck A1½ - 2½Highcliffe BMon 22nd Apr 202419:30DCL Div 2OV
Poole C3 - 1Weymouth CMon 22nd Apr 202419:30DCL Div 3 KnockoutOV
Bournemouth C3½ - ½Ringwood BTue 23rd Apr 202419:30B&DCL Div 3OU
New Milton B1 - 3Wimborne ETue 23rd Apr 202419:30B&DCL Div 5OV
Wimborne B3 - 1Purbeck AWed 24th Apr 202419:30DCL Div 2OV
Yeovil3½ - 2½WeymouthThu 25th Apr 202419:30B&DCL Team Handicap Knockout Cup - 2024OU
Southbourne C2 - 2Poole CFri 26th Apr 202419:30B&DCL Div 3OV
Southbourne Seagulls0 - 0Poole BishopsPostponed19:30BacchusOU
Poole A3½ - ½Ringwood AMon 29th Apr 202419:30B&DCL Div 1OU
Highcliffe A2 - 2Poole BMon 29th Apr 202419:30B&DCL Div 1OV
New Milton A3 - 1Wimborne BTue 30th Apr 202419:30B&DCL Div 2OU
Bournemouth E2 - 2Poole DTue 30th Apr 202419:30B&DCL Div 4OV
Wimborne A3 - 1Southbourne AWed 1st May 202419:30B&DCL Div 1OV
Yeovil2½ - 1½BournemouthThu 2nd May 202419:30DCL Div 1OV
Southbourne D1½ - 2½Wimborne DFri 3rd May 202419:30B&DCL Div 4OU
Bournemouth A3 - 1Wimborne BTue 7th May 202419:30B&DCL Div 2OU
Bournemouth B2 - 2New Milton ATue 7th May 202419:30B&DCL Div 2OU
Bournemouth F2 - 2Poole FTue 7th May 202419:30B&DCL Div 5OV
Southbourne B1½ - 2½Highcliffe BFri 10th May 202419:30B&DCL Div 2OU
Poole C2½ - 1½Ringwood BMon 13th May 202419:30B&DCL Div 3OU
Poole E3 - 1Highcliffe DMon 13th May 202419:30B&DCL Div 5OU
Poole A0 - 0Weymouth APostponed19:30DCL Div 1OU
Highcliffe A3 - 1Wimborne AMon 13th May 202419:30DCL Div 1OV
Bournemouth C3 - 1Highcliffe CTue 14th May 202419:30B&DCL Div 3OU
Bournemouth D3 - 1Ringwood CTue 14th May 202419:30B&DCL Div 4OU
Wimborne C2 - 2Southbourne CWed 15th May 202419:30B&DCL Div 3OV
Southbourne Seagulls3 - 2Highcliffe CastlesFri 17th May 202419:30BacchusOU
Ringwood2 - 4Poole PositionMon 20th May 202419:30B&DCL Team Handicap Knockout Cup - 2024OU
Poole The Other One3 - 3BournemouthMon 20th May 202419:30B&DCL Team Handicap Knockout Cup - 2024OV
Highcliffe C1 - 3Poole CFri 24th May 202419:30DCL Div 3 KnockoutOV
Highcliffe9 - 4SouthbourneMon 17th Jun 202419:30B&DCL Summer League - 2024OU
Ringwood6 - 2PooleMon 17th Jun 202419:30B&DCL Summer League - 2024OU
Wimborne5 - 2BournemouthMon 17th Jun 202419:30B&DCL Summer League - 2024OV
Wimborne3½ - 3½RingwoodMon 24th Jun 202419:30B&DCL Summer League - 2024OU
Southbourne6 - 4BournemouthMon 24th Jun 202419:30B&DCL Summer League - 2024OU
Poole3½ - 5½HighcliffeWed 26th Jun 202419:30B&DCL Summer League - 2024OU
Highcliffe7 - 2WimborneMon 1st Jul 202419:30B&DCL Summer League - 2024OV
Ringwood2½ - 5½BournemouthMon 1st Jul 202419:30B&DCL Summer League - 2024OU
Poole5 - 6SouthbourneWed 3rd Jul 202419:30B&DCL Summer League - 2024OU
Southbourne5 - 5WimborneMon 8th Jul 202419:30B&DCL Summer League - 2024OU
Ringwood4½ - 5½HighcliffeMon 8th Jul 202419:30B&DCL Summer League - 2024OU
Southbourne6½ - 1½RingwoodMon 15th Jul 202419:30B&DCL Summer League - 2024OU
Wimborne6½ - 3½PooleMon 15th Jul 202419:30B&DCL Summer League - 2024OU
Highcliffe6½ - 1½BournemouthMon 15th Jul 202419:30B&DCL Summer League - 2024OU
Poole1½ - 5½BournemouthWed 24th Jul 202419:30B&DCL Summer League - 2024OU
Status O/L=Open For Edit/Locked, V/U=Verified/Un-verified