Purbeck A v Ringwood

DCL Div 2 Mon 18th Dec 2023   Verify
BoardHomePurbeck ARingwoodAway
1 (B) 2010
Peirson, Steve B
1 - 0
Clancy, Martin J
2 (W) 1764
Coles, John F
1 - 0
Ormesher, Richard
3 (B) 1656
Mount, Derek
1 - 0
Wykes, T Alan
4 (W) 1600
Peacock, Joe
1 - 0
Schofield, Julian
Total70304 - 0Total6872

Last update Steve Peirson Tue 19th Dec 2023 09:36. Reported by Steve Peirson Tue 19th Dec 2023 09:36. Verified By Martin Joseph Clancy Tue 19th Dec 2023 11:21


First to finish was board 4 - it seemed to me that Joe had the advantage as his opponent's king was trapped in the centre. Then Joe captured Julian's king and mate followed soon after. On board 3, Derek won a pawn in the opening and then a rook. Alan played on to the endgame but eventually had to resign. John won a pawn on board 2 and that was enough for the win in the endgame. I managed to win a couple of pawns fairly early on against Martin but with my king in the centre I was never really comfortable. When I did castle queenside it was a big mistake but by then we were both in time trouble in a complicated position. I'm sure Martin and I both played some bad moves near the end - it's just that, luckily for me, Martin made the last one.

A pleasure to visit Purbeck. The tonking in the match was unexpected, but deserved! When I looked at the other boards, we looked to be struggling on all of them.

In my game, we may have played some bad moves between us in a very sharp complicated position, but Steve played the majority of the good moves and well deserved to win. We both rattled off the first 10 moves gaining time but were both in time troubler from about move 20 to the game ended on move 32.