Highcliffe C v Wimborne C

B&DCL Div 3 Mon 22nd Apr 2024   Verify
BoardHomeHighcliffe CWimborne CAway
1 (B) 1700
Smith, Matthew P
0 - 1
Cleland, Nathaniel J
2 (W) 1639
Salinger, Neil
0 - 1
Pollyn, Stephen M
3 (B) 1651
Manson, Andrew
1 - 0
Hillman, Graham
4 (W) 1429
Salinger, Ron
½ - ½
Young, Simon
Total64191½ - 2½Total6965

Last update Graham Hillman Mon 22nd Apr 2024 23:56. Reported by Graham Hillman Mon 22nd Apr 2024 23:56. Verified By


Despite being heavily out graded on all Boards , this match was was quite a tight affair and not settled until 10:40 pm when Steve pushed it over the line having played with Neil for some 15-20 minutes, both on Increments - It was hard to watch and either player could of won and it was unfortunate there had to be a loser. Nathaniel's game was the usual " fireworks " with both playing threatening mate in very open and attacking played Games. Ron & Simon ended up with some locked Pawn formations where they ended up repeating moves . My game against Andrew was a interesting and I simply misjudged letting him gobble up some Q side Pawns for a Kings side attack that failed to deliver . Well played Andrew . Thanks Highcliffe for a hard fought match . g

amanson's picture

Board 1 was fireworks indeed, both players involved in very aggressive king side attacks with double check threats for Matt, and Nathaniel's Queen getting to the 7th rank very early on - Mate was delivered by Nathaniel giving Wimborne an early lead. Ron and Simon played out a tight game with chances on both sides, ultimately agreeing a draw. My game against Graham saw attacks by both players switch from King side to Queen side, but I collected a 2 pawn advantage which proved enough to win. We all stood to watch the final game; a marathon effort with excellent play from Neil and Stephen, Black had 2 rooks and a passed pawn, White had a rook and bishop and a passed pawn with both clocks running on increments. The rooks working in tandem proved decisive for Stephen giving Wimborne a well deserved victory. A very enjoyable evening, only marred by the fact that the usual post-match pint was timed out!