Ringwood C v Southbourne D

B&DCL Div 4 Mon 2nd Oct 2023   Verify
BoardHomeRingwood CSouthbourne DAway
1 (B) 1590
Wykes, T Alan
1 - 0
Harris, John E
2 (W) 1600
Melling, Hugo
1 - 0
Sandy, Paul
3 (B) 1650
Schofield, Julian
0 - 1
Wang, Jason
4 (W) 1400
Rushworth, Tim
0 - 1
Dixon, Ken
Total62402 - 2Total6167

Last update Julian M Schofield Mon 2nd Oct 2023 22:31. Reported by Julian M Schofield Mon 2nd Oct 2023 22:31. Verified By John Harris Tue 3rd Oct 2023 08:18


jschofield's picture

The season has kicked off with a relatively competitive game.

Welcome Tim and Hugo to the team and your very first competitive match for the club and by the looks of it you both were in a strong, winning position which is fantastic.

Alan and Hugo on boards 1 and 2 were the first to finish with a secured win for the squad, while Tim on board 4 fought hard but eventually lost his game. Sadly myself on board 3 took on Jason, we were equal in material until a blunder in the end game lead to Jason securing the win.

Thank you Southbourne for the match, it was good to meet you all, we look forward to meeting you again in February.

Alan saw a way through that I had not seen and I had no real chance after that. Hugo seemed to win after a nice knight fork which Paul could not get over. Jason had a good battle and despite thinking that he was going to loose Ken was very happy that he was given the chance to win.

Thank you Ringwood for the match, it was good to meet you all, we also look forward to meeting you again in February.