Poole D v Bournemouth E

B&DCL Div 4 Mon 15th Jan 2024   Verify
BoardHomePoole DBournemouth EAway
1 (B) 1600
Panchenko, Oleksii
0 - 1
Willington, Robert M
2 (W) 1665
Rutter, Mike
½ - ½
Ackerman, Tony
3 (B) 1661
Joyce, Tim
1 - 0
Nickel, Sebastian
4 (W) 1664
Guirdham, Damon
1 - 0
Spence, Chris
Total65902½ - 1½Total6072

Last update Damon Guirdham Tue 16th Jan 2024 09:11. Reported by Damon Guirdham Tue 16th Jan 2024 09:11. Verified By Tony Ackerman Wed 17th Jan 2024 10:03


A very even match which could have gone either way. Oleksii is relatively new and his ECF rating has been climbing rapidly (currently 1780ish) hence him playing #1, but he found Rob on very solid form. Tim tried out an opening he’s been working on, to good effect. The other two games were level for two hours, leaving the match in the balance, but with a win on #4 and a draw on #2 Poole just scraped home. Well played Bournemouth and look forward to the return game.

Thank you to Damon and the Poole team for an entertaining evening of Chess. Post game analysis did reveal that Oleksii on board 1 did indeed have a "winning" move in a King and pawn endgame, but was extremely difficult to see, and following white promoting a pawn one move before black, Rob was able to find a tactic to secure the win. Board 2 was very even game throughout, Mike and myself couldn't find anything different when playing out a few scenarios after the game, which was also supported by the engine that it was a drawing position. Boards 3 and 4 probably came down to experience and the higher rated Poole players ensured their victory. Well played to the Poole team.