Wimborne D v Southbourne D

B&DCL Div 4 Wed 17th Jan 2024   Verify
BoardHomeWimborne DSouthbourne DAway
1 (B) 1727
Mallon, Stuart
1 - 0
Harris, John E
2 (W) 1758
Hillman, Graham
1 - 0
Sandy, Paul
3 (B) 1655
Young, Simon
0 - 1
Wang, Jason
4 (W) 1599
Bowley, John R
1 - 0
Dixon, Ken
Total67393 - 1Total6167

Last update Simon Young Wed 17th Jan 2024 22:38. Reported by Simon Young Wed 17th Jan 2024 22:38. Verified By John Harris Wed 17th Jan 2024 23:51


syoung's picture

Our first home game of 2024, playing against Southbourne for the first time this season. Board 1 was the first to finish, with a win for Stuart. Looking at the end position it appeared that John had been boxed in quite effectively. Board 2 was next, Paul came under a lot of pressure from Graham which eventually ended in a mate.
Next to finish was board 3, although I felt I was playing okay, a post computer analysis told a very different story. Jason’s game was rock solid and ended with him delivering a very nice checkmate. The only benefit of losing was I could watch John’s game. The slow build-up of pressure presented John with a very strong position, resulting in what would have been a queen capture, however Ken decided to call it a day.
Thanks to Southbourne for the match, see you in a few weeks.

Thanks for the evenings chess. Jason's win on board 3 was well deserved after he managed to stave off an attack from Simon. It was a shame that Ken on board 4 was running out of time towards the end and made a bad move before resigning. John on Board 1 was under pressure throughout the game and in defending his position, opened up his King's position.