Weymouth A v Yeovil

DCL Div 1 Thu 4th Apr 2024   Verify
BoardHomeWeymouth AYeovilAway
1 (B) 2086
Goater, Kevin P
1 - 0
Batson, Adam
2 (W) 2115
Pleasants, Allan J
1 - 0
Neave, Guto
3 (B) 1983
Freeman, Jon A
½ - ½
Felicio, Fernando
4 (W) 1842
Pittman, Frank J
1 - 0
Smith, Richard
Total80263½ - ½Total7873

Last update Adam Batson Fri 5th Apr 2024 00:13. Reported by Adam Batson Fri 5th Apr 2024 00:13. Verified By Allan Pleasants Fri 5th Apr 2024 08:33


We initially turned up at Dorchester, much to the bemusement of Mark Potter, who informed us that Weymouth now have their own venue! A frantic call to their captain followed to get the postcode, with the game starting half an hour late next to a roller disco.

After an hour it looked like tough positional battles and even chances all round, but Weymouth's greater strength told in the end.

Apologies for the misunderstanding at the start and thanks for your patience!

Tough battles all around though I think Weymouth looked fractionally better on all boards most of the time. Frank finished first, but I didn't see the last few moves. It looked like he was in control earlier on with very active rooks. Jon looked to be doing okay as well, but a draw always the most likely result. My game was interesting and after acquiring a big advantage I followed up with a series of poor moves that gave it all away. Guto made one mistake that allowed me a winning rook sacrifice. Kevin was also doing very nicely, but Adam somehow managed to keep his d-pawn that seemed to be under enormous pressure. A mistake later on dropped material and Kevin converted. Looking forward to playing at Yeovil (or is it Dorchester) next year.