Ringwood v Dorchester B

DCL Div 2 Mon 22nd Apr 2024   Verify
BoardHomeRingwoodDorchester BAway
1 (B) 1812
Ormesher, Richard
1 - 0
Searing, Geoff C
2 (W) 1844
Woodger, Niall
½ - ½
Harbour, John J
3 (B) 1600
Melling, Hugo
1 - 0
Gill-Martin, Simon
4 (W) 1650
Schofield, Julian
½ - ½
Farrall, Steve
Total69063 - 1Total7082

Last update Martin Joseph Clancy Tue 23rd Apr 2024 00:02. Reported by Martin Joseph Clancy Tue 23rd Apr 2024 00:02. Verified By Geoff Searing Wed 24th Apr 2024 08:56


A pleasure to welcome the Dorchester team.

Before the match I knew this would be a tough one. Their players are far better than there current league position indicated. But sometime in chess serendipity favours your opponents.

After an hour, reports from the "front line" was that we were losing on all boards. I didn't think it was that bad, but I was struggling to find a board we were actually better on. It looked similar at 90 minutes and our positions looked no better!

The match turned with the first game to finish in our favour. Richard "Razor" Ormesher won on board one. The position had got sharper and that is really where Richard shows his strength. Soon after Julian "Safe Hands" Schofield somehow also got a draw. The next to show great resilience in getting a half-point was Niall "I'll be back" Woodger who had held on under great pressure from the start to get it! That left us with at least a draw in the match and our hopes resting on Hugo "Magic" Melling to weave his way to a win. I saw quite a bit of this one and his opponent had much the better of the opening and most of the middlegame. He showed great imagination in his play to keep the pressure on Hugo, and deserved more for his efforts in my opinion . However, Hugo's current vein of form continues with another win and to secure the match.