Northwich GDS v Ormskirk GDS

George Davison Shield Mon 30th Sep 2024   Verify
BoardHomeNorthwich GDSOrmskirk GDSAway
1 (B) 1560 (1542)
Whittaker, Liam
0 - 1
Tomkins, David
1522 (1516)
2 (W) 1517 (1446)
Flynn, Anthony
1 - 0
McGrady, Paul A
1500 (1509)
3 (B) 1307 (1284)
Milne, Aaron
0 - 1
Murphy, Sean
1406 (1413)
4 (W) 1245 (1245)
Sullivan, Jake
1 - 0
Raja, Haaris
1294 (1333)
5 (B) 1100 (1047)
Caustin, Thaddius
0 - 1
Farnworth, Martyn A
1194 (1206)
Total67292 - 3Total6916

Last update Peter Hamill-Stewart Tue 1st Oct 2024 17:45. Reported by Peter Hamill-Stewart Tue 1st Oct 2024 17:45. Verified By Sean Murphy Tue 1st Oct 2024 19:28


Ormskirk acting Captain's game report.

Firstly, I'm greatly appreciative of Ormskirk players making the trip on a very rainy night over flooded roads.

We won the toss of the coin and unsurprisingly, elected to play white on odd boards

Dave Tompkins was a last minute stand in for Ormskirk as another player had to drop out last minute. I didn't see his game, but he was able to win in good order.

Northwich's Anthony Flynn won against Paul giving Northwich one of their points.

My game was the last to finish as Aaron ran me round the board despite me having the advantage. Eventually I managed to just outmanoeuvre him for the win, but not without being very short on time at the end.

It was good to see Northwich playing some younger players who both gave our team difficult games.
Jake beat Haaris in a lengthy endgame decided by who had an extra pawn left.
Martyn managed to beat Thaddius in a complex position and took the slow and steady approach to finishing the game with certainty rather than trying to force the win.

It's been good to see Ormskirk making it to the second round of the Shield competition we won a couple of years ago.
Hopefully we can repeat the performance.
