Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of David Adams (2647) Adams, David (301447C)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name David Adams Adams, David David Adams
Sex M M M
DOB 1952-04-18 1952-04-18 1952-04-18
Club Coventry Chess Coventry Chess Coventry Chess
Grading Code 301447C 301447C 301447C
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Coventry Chess F V Nuneaton C white Wood, Henry L 144710
Coventry Chess F V Warwick University E white Long, Elliot W 144831
Coventry Chess F V Rugby B white Badley, Christopher L 145351
Coventry Chess F V Coventry Chess B white Johnson, Mike J D 153272
Coventry Chess F V Coventry Chess E white Hanbury, David W 169809
Coventry Chess F V Coventry Chess D white Whitmore, Stan L 169958
Coventry Chess F V Nuneaton C white Clay, Terry F D 169966
Coventry Chess B V Coventry Chess C white Breeden, Adam R L 216819
Coventry Chess D V Coventry Chess C white Breeden, Adam R W 217240
Coventry Chess E V Warwick University F white Chotard, Isaac L 220013
Coventry Chess D V Warwick University E white Liu, Andrew D 222956
Coventry Chess E V Nuneaton C white Wood, Henry D 227268
Coventry Chess E V Coventry Chess D white Conway, John L 230323
Coventry Chess E V Nuneaton C white Stepan, Jiri W 247948
Coventry Chess E V Coventry University white Ferreira, Afonso W 252993
Coventry Chess F V Coventry Chess E white Filer, David L 306213
Coventry Chess F V Warwick University E white Sample, Will D 309888
Coventry Chess F V Coventry University white Gautam, Avishesh L 312745
Coventry Chess F V Nuneaton C white Wilson, Ken W 346534
Coventry Chess F V Rugby B white Carrouche, Nicola L 370734
Coventry E V Rugby B white Badley, Christopher L 433566
Coventry E V University of Warwick D white Cook, Chloe L 440654
Coventry Chess E V Coventry Chess F black Rajasekaran, Gayathri L 138089
Coventry Chess D V Coventry Chess F black Edwards, DONT USE L 145364
Coventry Chess D V Coventry Chess F black Hussein, E L 145469
Nuneaton C V Coventry Chess F black Wood, Henry L 153049
Warwick University E V Coventry Chess F black Nguyen, Thu-Nga L 158382
Coventry Chess D V Coventry Chess F black Stamper, Tom L 159895
Rugby B V Coventry Chess E black Vickers, Alex L 236568
Warwick University G V Coventry Chess E black Steele, Ed L 239176
Coventry Chess F V Coventry Chess E black Dean, Phil L 241679
Warwick University F V Coventry Chess E black Newns, Arthur L 250815
Nuneaton C V Coventry Chess F black Clay, Terry F L 303563
Coventry Chess D V Coventry Chess F black Smith, Peter L 318285
Daventry V Coventry Chess F black Monroe, Harvey L 326782
Rugby B V Coventry Chess F black Badley, Christopher L 332334
Coventry Chess B V Coventry Chess F black Nasibova, Margarita D 342637
Coventry Chess E V Coventry Chess F black Blackburn, Clive L 349748
Rugby C V Coventry Chess F black Vickers, Alex L 365128
Nuneaton D V Coventry E black Pugh, Roy L 436702