Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Joe Varley (53773) Varley, Joe (306934F)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Joe Varley Varley, Joe Joe Varley
Sex M M M
DOB 2001-12-20 2001-12-20 2001-12-20
Club University of Warwick Hull University of Warwick
Grading Code 306934F 306934F 306934F
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Warwick University A V Kenilworth white Paterson, Andrew I L 145085
Warwick University A V Nuneaton A white Green, Anthony J W 145102
Warwick University R V Warwick University A black Bill, Vincenz L 144762
Warwick University B V Warwick University A black German, Santiago L 153278
Coventry Chess A V Warwick University A black Goodwin, Ed H L 158394
Nuneaton A V Warwick University A black Green, Anthony J L 165371
Kenilworth V Warwick University A black Paterson, Andrew I L 169840