Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Harvey Hunt (91945) Hunt, Harvey (366322L)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Harvey Hunt Hunt, Harvey Harvey Hunt
Sex M M M
DOB 1970-01-01 2004-05-24 2004-05-24
Club Newquay Cornwall * Cornwall *
Grading Code 366322L 366322L
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Bude V Newquay black Russell, Lloyd L 372898
Bude V Newquay black Russell, Lloyd L 372899
Bude V Newquay black Rescorla, Ian R L 436568
Lerryn V Newquay black Butcher, Jack L 438062
Lerryn V Newquay black Butcher, Jack L 438066