Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of John Tate (38868) Tate, John (342287C)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name John Tate Tate, John John Tate
Sex M M M
DOB 1970-01-01 1962-03-04 1962-03-04
Club The Chess Centre Ilkely Chess Centre
Grading Code 342287C 342287C
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Round 5 white Shaw, Max L 123482
Round 2 white Butterworth, Paul D 169128
Round 4 white Whitton, Callum L 169140
Round 2 white Moxham, John W 174346
Round 3 white Mosnegutu, Klauss L 174355
Round 5 white Chadwick, Donna W 174367
Round 2 white Whitton, Callum D 176294
Round 3 white Wainwright, Andrew D 181780
Round 4 white Wood, Jonathan L 183381
Chess Centre Gators V The Stinking Bishops white Holliday, John K L 183896
Round 6 white Shepherd, Will W 187018
The Chess Centre V Ilkley CC white Hall, Graeme L 195121
Round 6 white Smith, Jacob L 203707
Round 2 white Hall, James L 214711
Round 5 white Cukovs, Oleg L 214739
Round 2 white Rawse, Alex W 256276
Round 4 white Wild, Stuart L 274613
Chess Centre Panthers V Chess Centre Gators white Hinds, Jon W 275491
Round 2 white Bourke, Konstantinos W 281598
Round 3 white Rawse, Alex L 281629
Round 5 white Madzia, Nathan L 281698
Round 3 black Walker, Andrew D 122455
Round 1 black Smith, Jacob L 156535
Round 1 black Lee-Wardell, Aidan L 169119
Round 3 black Smith, Jacob L 169134
Round 5 black Bradbury, Adam L 169147
Round 1 black Forsyth, Billy D 173715
Round 1 black Mosnegutu, Mariana L 174338
Round 4 black Light, John A L 174359
The Stinking Bishops V Chess Centre Gators black Jones, Simon L 175178
Arrested Development V Chess Centre Falcons black Jones, Simon L 179193
Round 3 black Patrick, Chris L 179330
Round 5 black Smith, Brendan L 186269
Round 1 black Mata, Andrew B L 214702
Round 3 black Webb, Matthew L 214721
Round 4 black Smith, Jacob L 214728
Round 12 black Smith, Jacob L 218361
Round 1 black Wainwright, Andrew L 253985
Round 3 black Wood, Jonathan L 261644
Settle V Chess Centre Panthers black Edbury, Mike L 272040
Saltaire Alpacas V Chess Centre Panthers black Jones, Simon L 281154
Round 1 black Pitel, Dominik L 281572
Round 4 black Hinds, Jon L 281660
Round 6 black Batty, Caelan L 285182