Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Brad Slater (39808) Slater, Brad (342501A)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Brad Slater Slater, Brad Brad Slater
Sex M M M
DOB 1970-01-01 1991-01-07 1991-01-07
Club The Chess Centre The Chess Centre The Chess Centre
Grading Code 342501A 342501A
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Round 2 white Lee-Wardell, Aidan W 123893
Round 5 white Kungurovs, Olegs K L 124108
Round 1 white Kirilenkovs, Juris L 226268
Round 3 white Wainwright, Charlie W 226284
Round 5 white Jones, Simon W 226303
Round 1 white Smith, Jacob L 286457
Round 3 white Taylor, Neil W 286474
Round 4 white Madzia, Nathan L 286485
Round 1 black Woodbridge, Charlie L 123884
Round 3 black Blythe, Hugh L 124090
Round 4 black Hupton, Jack L 124097
Round 2 black Wild, Stuart L 226277
Round 4 black Ganti, Shriaansh L 226294
Round 2 black Wood, Jonathan L 286467
Round 5 black Kungurovs, Olegs K L 286493