Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Jon Hinds (75050) Hinds, Jon (354806F)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Jon Hinds Hinds, Jon Jon Hinds
Sex M M M
DOB 1970-01-01 1983-12-18 1983-12-18
Club The Chess Centre Ilkely Chess Centre
Grading Code 354806F 354806F
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Round 3 white Chotai, Samesh L 261645
Chess Centre Panthers V Saltaire Bargemen white Waite, Nicholas W 279042
Round 1 white Parfitt, James W 281581
Round 4 white Tate, John L 281660
Round 6 white Wainwright, Charlie L 285181
Chess Centre Renegades V Chess Centre Squirrels white Rawse, Alex L 407225
Round 1 black Whitton, Callum L 253993
Chess Centre Panthers V Chess Centre Gators black Tate, John L 275491
Round 5 black Patrick, Chris L 279201
Round 2 black Harper, Michael J L 281595
Round 3 black Mupfiga, Thabiso L 281631
Round 5 black Batty, Caelan L 281704
Chess Centre Hamsters V Chess Centre Renegades black Monk, Carl L 406011