Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Kye Hutchings (79515) Hutchings, Kye (359314K)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Kye Hutchings Hutchings, Kye Kye Hutchings
Sex M M M
DOB 1970-01-01 2009-11-26 2009-11-26
Club The Chess Centre Ilkely Chess Centre
Grading Code 359314K 359314K
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Round 1 white Karthik, Loganigilesh L 284173
Round 4 white Needham, Louis W 284250
Round 5 white Li, Isaac L 284273
Round 18 white Rawse, Alex L 285312
Ilkley Night Hawks V Ilkley Leopards white Bramall, Freya W 321630
Ilkley Night Hawks V Ilkley Leopards white Chotai, Sevan W 321634
Ilkley Night Hawks V Ilkley Leopards white Sparrow, George W 321638
Ilkley Night Hawks V Ilkley Leopards white Parkinson, Dylan W 321642
Chess Centre Squirrels V Settle white Edbury, Mike L 400646
Chess Centre Squirrels V Chess Centre Falcons white Butterworth, Paul L 406009
Round 2 black Parkinson, Dylan L 284201
Round 3 black Hewitt, Thomas L 284226
Round 6 black Winter, Jack L 284300
Round 19 black Needham, Louis L 286665
Chess Centre Gremlins V Chess Centre Squirrels black Quaite, Toby L 397249
Chess Centre Hamsters V Chess Centre Squirrels black Monk, Carl L 402123