Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Arthur Portelli (59423) Portelli, Arthur (347062D)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Arthur Portelli Portelli, Arthur Arthur Portelli
Sex M M M
DOB 2012-12-16 2012-12-16 2012-12-16
Club Watford Watford Watford
Grading Code 347062D 347062D
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Round 5 white Thokala, Pranay W 178241
Round 6 white Anand, Arunika W 182314
Round 2 white Jayakumar, Jeevan W 185380
Round 3 white Wasiak, Robert W 186389
Round 4 white Wasiak, Robert D 187486
Round 5 black Singh, Arjun D 178243
Round 2 black Patel, Aashna L 179402
Round 2 black Jayakumar, Jeshwin L 179848
Round 3 black Jayakumar, Jeshwin L 181746
Round 3 black Patel, Aashna L 181772
Round 1 black Maslowska, Jessica L 183494
Round 2 black Jayakumar, Jeevan L 185327
Round 3 black Wasiak, Robert D 186387
Round 1 black Wasiak, Robert L 189799
Round 1 black Sethi, Siddharth L 189801