Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Freddie Christou-Moore (43058) Christou-Moore, Freddie (343165E)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Freddie Christou-Moore Christou-Moore, Freddie Freddie Christou-Moore
Sex M M M
DOB 2007-03-22 2007-03-22 2007-03-22
Club Eton College Eton College Eton College
Grading Code 343165E 343165E 343165E
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Eton College B V King Edward VI School Chelmsford A white Thompson, Thomas George L 127007
Eton College C V Brentwood School A white Miles, Connor L 135500
Eton College A V St Marys School Northumberland B white Keller, Harry L 160812
Eton College A V Tiffin School C white Sivaram, Aaron W 201580
Eton College B V Taunton School A white Tilekkabylbek, Rakhymzhan N 237151
Eton College A V Tiffin School A white Lucey, Cathal L 246596
Eton College A V Altrincham Grammar School B white Thoi, Felix L 304156
Eton College A V Tiffin School B white Shute, Harry D 363127
Eton College A V Dame Alice Owen A white Islam, Archie W 374451
Brentwood School A V Eton College B black Ferdhaus, Yahya L 132283
Tiffin School B V Eton College C black Lucey, Cathal L 152382
Wilsons School A V Eton College B black Agrawal, Shivam L 156958
King Edward VI School Chelmsford A V Eton College A black Innani, Nipun L 164452
King Edwards School Birmingham A V Eton College A black Goyal, Krish L 205886
Cheadle Hulme A V Eton College B black Jackson, Edward L 215751
Tiffin School A V Eton College A black Sharma, Arth L 357631
Judd GS A V Eton College A black Heard, Tom L 369127