Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Rajas Nanda (43063) Nanda, Rajas (343172B)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Rajas Nanda Nanda, Rajas Rajas Nanda
Sex M M M
DOB 2007-02-17 2007-02-17 2007-02-17
Club Eton College Eton College Eton College
Grading Code 343172B 343172B 343172B
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Eton College C V Brentwood School A white Pert, Nina P L 135497
Eton College B V Tiffin School A white Wu, Tong L 138640
Eton College B V Eton College C white Sun, Leo W 147949
Eton College B V Altrincham Grammar School A white Vaddhireddy, Sai L 160759
Eton College B V Urmston GS B white Singh, Arun W 205930
Eton College B V Haberdashers Askes Sch Herts B white Salussolia, Louis L 246601
Eton College A V Dronfield Henry Fanshawe School A white Hawkins, Tom W 298807
Round 1 black Malik, Zain L 127144
Wilsons School A V Eton College B black Venkatesh, Anuj V L 156961
King Edward VI School Chelmsford A V Eton College A black Poon, Evan L 164451
Tonbridge School A V Eton College B black King, Isaac L 201535
Tiffin School B V Eton College B black Hancock, Robbie L 232652
Tiffin School A V Eton College B black Bowman, Lucas L 363123