Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Alexander Johnston (54556) Johnston, Alexander (318497D)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Alexander Johnston Johnston, Alexander Alexander Johnston
Sex M M M
DOB 2004-10-05 2004-10-05 2004-10-05
Club St Marys School Northumberland Forest Hall St Marys School Northumberland
Grading Code 318497D 318497D 318497D
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
St Marys School Northumberland A V Wilsons School C white Domarkas, Michael W 164431
Newcastle A V Tiffin School B white Hancock, Robbie L 205907
Newcastle A V Woodbridge School A white Solodkho, Nikolai L 232617
Newcastle A V Tiffin School A white Usharovsky, Ron L 242493
Newcastle A V Altrincham Grammar School A white Vaddhireddy, Sai D 246634
Eton College A V St Marys School Northumberland A black Gogna, Aman L 152329
Brentwood School A V St Marys School Northumberland A black Cheema, Jaideep C L 160629
King Edward VI School Chelmsford A V St Marys School Northumberland A black Caves, Fraser C L 167936
Judd GS A V Newcastle A black Liu, Laurence L 215728
Magdalen College School A V Newcastle A black Zakarian, Dimitrios Levon L 220897
Eton College B V Newcastle A black Li, Max L 251643