Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Douglas J Smith (43484) Smith, Douglas J (225090B)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Douglas J Smith Smith, Douglas J Douglas Smith
Sex M M U
DOB 1970-01-01 1970-01-01
Club Durham City Durham City Durham City
Grading Code 225090B 225090B 225090B
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Durham City A V Durham City B white Nandi, Robin J D 138409
Durham City A V Durham University A white Sanitt, Ethan D 162859
Durham City A V South Shields white Mooney, David P L 184850
Durham City A V Durham University A white Buckley, James W 236728
Durham City A V Durham City B white Shahbazi, Mahmoud D 256852
Durham University A V Durham City A black Cansdale, Zachary D 136848
Durham City B V Durham City A black Gazis, George L 171025
Darlington A V Durham City A black Wilson, Kevin J D 179903
Darlington A V Durham City A black Dauber, Stephen W D 243425
Durham University A V Durham City A black Cansdale, Zachary D 248505
South Shields V Durham City A black Mooney, David P L 265313