Organisation New Players

Confirm replacement of Carl A Tillotson (1665) Tillotson, Carl A (176331D)

Details New Player ECF Player Existing Player
Name Carl A Tillotson Tillotson, Carl A Carl A Tillotson
Sex M M M
DOB 1964-08-08 1964-08-08 1964-08-08
Club Preston Preston Preston
Grading Code 176331D 176331D 176331D
The player on the left will be removed and all results assigned to the player on the right:
Match Colour Opponent Result RID
Round 2 white Jowett, Peter E L 7983
Round 5 white Hanson, Robert D 19235
Round 1 white Taylor, Phillip J L 222071
Round 3 white Willow, Hambel M W 242651
Round 5 white Peacock, Malcolm R L 274464
Round 3 white Taylor, Phillip J W 381901
Round 5 white Sumner, Jim D 404450
Round 1 black Carter, Deborah L 5473
Round 3 black Glover, Gordon L L 13808
Round 4 black Thompson, Peter L 15051
Round 2 black Daune, Joss P L 230395
Round 4 black Chita, Constantin-Iulian - 272403
Round 1 black Evans, Paul A D 331802
Round 4 black Ashcroft, Graham J L 394912